by Jana Silk Talking about God is a deeply subjective and profound topic that has been contemplated and explored throughout human history in various ways. The understanding of this concept varies greatly depending on one’s personal beliefs, religious background, cultural influences, and individual experiences. Some people describe God as the Creator of existence, for others […]

The Art of Being a Rascal

…about life, playing roles and why strong personal boundaries are necessary by Jana Silk Since my childhood, I have encountered moments of loneliness. There were instances when my friends would inexplicably become upset with me, distancing themselves from me during playtime or subject me to the silent treatment for no particular reason. It’s a common […]

Posilnenie osobných hraníc: Kľúč k autentickosti a zdravým vzťahom

by Jana Silk Od môjho detstva som zažívala momenty osamelosti. Boli situácie, keď sa moji kamaráti z nejakého nevysvetliteľného dôvodu náhle rozhorčili alebo sa mi začali vyhýbať. Sem-tam prestali so mnou tráviť čas. Nie je to nič mimoriadne, celkom bežná skúsenosť, ktorou prejde aspoň raz vo svojom živote vačšina detí. Tieto situácie som sa naučila […]

Living in the world that adores perfection.

by Jana Silk In our rapidly changing world, we’ve become obsessed with perfection, making the ordinary seem dull. Everyday experiences lose their charm as we long for something elusive. The constant pursuit of flawlessness has become normal, overshadowing simple joys. We’re haunted by the need to be perfect, sowing feelings of inadequacy as we chase […]